❤Shalom Everyone❤
If you are new to this page Hello My name is Marie or HimeMarie in the internet. I started this blog back in 2012. One year left of my bachelor degree. I can’t remember much about my intentions but I wrote only when something inspiring came to me. But since then this space has been abandoned & well I'm making a comeback in 2018.
So many things have change from back then…For instance, I'm older, wiser and with a Master degree in Counseling and Educational Psychology that mean I have studied a LOT...
However, my career goals are yet in the process! I want to be a LPC which is next for me! Then, I want to go back for that Psy.D but idk where yet. Options. Options. Options.
My career in psychology has been my main focus after my relationship with Yahweh (God's ancient hebrew name). So, I noticed that my life has been all about studying... and I haven even studied organized or always so neat. This lasts steps to my career I want to change the whole course of that & share my thoughts on it. (Also because I really want to be a psychology professor and inspire my students lol).
Enough about me. This little corner of the internet called to be mine will focus on sharing many things...
1. Reflections about life according through my beliefs in Yahweh.
a. Our life has a purpose and everything we go through a lesson to be acknowledge and just stop, reflect and put into action what you have learn.
b. Share Bible passages that uplift our soul ❤
2. Study related stuff.
a. Like tips on studying.
b. Psychology reviews.
3. Even help those in need of an advice!
a. unofficial counseling?
i. Send me messages if you need someone outside of your circle to hear ya out and give you another set of perspective. I’ll try my best!
ii. Also you helping a sister out as I will be reviewing my knowledge in counseling theories and techniques J
4. Bullet Journal related stuff!
a. I love love love bullet journal. I have been bullet journaling over a year or so already. Gone through four notebooks and trough the process I have taught myself calligraphy. Let’s say I have a lot in my head that I want to put into words and this place is just right!
5. much more!
If you decide to stick around, let me assure you that you have another friend! Don't be shy and let's chat. Also, thank you so much for reading me & even sharing your positive thoughts with me.
Negative comments are not welcome as the world has enough of them. If you don’t have anything nice to say instead say help me. Looks like you have been bottling up many annoying stuff and just need to say them all in a safer place than in the comments. Instead you need a space like counseling where all you say would not be judged.
Also check me out in IG: https://www.instagram.com/himemarie_bujo_stdy/
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