Digital Post-it!!?
What the heck are they and why would you want some digital post it? right?
Well for a lot of uses now days of all digital stuff!
I been developing my "skills" for a bit of 2-3 months and over more months trying to understand how to do them for myself. I didn't know by that time there were amazing people making them I just wanted to create stuff just like when you doodle. So I encounter Boho Berry and from her I learned digital bullet journal! Then a lot of months later I encounter Pink-Ink she has amazing stuff!
H o w t o u s e D i g i t a l P o s t - Its
After all the months of researching and learning I was able to make some of my own! Its fun just creating now I want to share them and I asked on my IG if I should and there yesss so here they are!
------Disclaimer------- The first 18 post its are a creations of my own and the marble ones are pictures from google I did not buy or own the patterns. I'm not selling these. Just for personal use only.
If any questions or suggestions please don't hesitate and talk to me here or on my instagram :)
Well, this is it for today's blog hope you enjoy reading and using the post-its!
Till next time!
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