Hi!!!!!! Digital Post-it!!? What the heck are they and why would you want some digital post it? right? Well for a lot of uses now days of all digital stuff! I been developing my "skills" for a bit of 2-3 months and over more months trying to understand how to do them for myself. I didn't know by that time there were amazing people making them I just wanted to create stuff just like when you doodle. So I encounter Boho Berry and from her I learned digital bullet journal! Then a lot of months later I encounter Pink-Ink she has amazing stuff! H o w t o u s e D i g i t a l P o s t - Its In my case I use it in goodnotes when I'm making notes! Just like the way you use post-it in your pen and paper notes or mindmaps and so on! The digital post it used in these pictures are from Pink-Ink ! Check her IG and store! After all the months of researching and learning I was able to...
Hello~~~~~ If you come from the Studying Amino you probably have a background story.... However, if you just reading here first... I want to share 4 tips on breaking a circle of demotivation and find your way to study all motivated! Organize yourself in your to dos! That is make a list of the stuff you have to do according with due dates. Plan it for the week what you have to do. I made that planner as a try out & it actually works! I have my bullet journal but having a peace of loose paper and cute that I can just juggle down all my to dos that are quite a lot seems less clutter in my a5 bujo. So that’s why I just decided for this template. Im sure u will find better ones all around the internet. Check out the emmastudies printable s they are inspiration! 👌🏽 or if u wanna use mine Set a timer with 10, 15 or 25 minutes! Yes the pomodoro technique. There are millions of blogs about it. Howev...