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Digital Post- It

Hi!!!!!! Digital Post-it!!? What the heck are they and why would you want some digital post it? right? Well for a lot of uses now days of all digital stuff! I been developing my "skills" for a bit of 2-3 months and over more months trying to understand how to do them for myself. I didn't know by that time there were amazing people making them I just wanted to create stuff just like when you doodle. So I encounter Boho Berry and from her I learned digital bullet journal! Then a lot of months later I encounter Pink-Ink she has amazing stuff! H o w    t o    u s e    D i  g i  t  a  l     P o s t - Its In my case I use it in goodnotes when I'm making notes! Just like the way you use post-it in your pen and paper notes or mindmaps and so on! The digital post it used in these pictures are from Pink-Ink ! Check her IG and store! After all the months of researching and learning I was able to...
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How to break the circle of demotivation?

Hello~~~~~  If you come from the Studying Amino you probably have a background story....  However, if you just reading here first... I want to share 4 tips on breaking a circle of demotivation and find your way to study all motivated!  Organize yourself in your to dos!  That is make a list of the stuff you have to do according with due dates. Plan it for the week what you have to do. I made that planner as a try out & it actually works! I have my bullet journal but having a peace of loose paper and cute that I can just juggle down all my to dos that are quite a lot seems less clutter in my a5 bujo. So that’s why I just decided for this template.  Im sure u will find better ones all around the internet. Check out the  emmastudies printable s they are inspiration!  👌🏽  or if u wanna use mine  Set a timer with 10, 15 or  25 minutes! Yes the pomodoro technique. There are millions of blogs about it. Howev...


❤Shalom Everyone❤ If you are new to this page Hello My name is Marie or HimeMarie in the internet. I started this blog back in 2012. One year left of my bachelor degree. I can’t remember much about my intentions but I wrote only when something inspiring came to me. But since then this space has been abandoned & well I'm making a comeback in 2018. So many things have change from back then…For instance, I'm older, wiser and with a Master degree in Counseling and Educational Psychology that mean I have studied a LOT... However, my career goals are yet in the process! I want to be a LPC which is next for me! Then, I want to go back for that Psy.D but idk where yet. Options. Options. Options. My career in psychology has been my main focus after my relationship with Yahweh (God's ancient hebrew name). So, I noticed that my life has been all about studying... and I haven even studied organized or always so neat. This lasts steps to my career I want to change the...


Sometimes life cant be harder enough that including your birth day you most have some shitty moments!!! But i thought after all.... I had a few smiles I had a few fights I had a few tears But im pretty grateful that God gave me another year to do whatever it is He wants me to do while he let me study! I had a different kind of birthday with new people but ended with new kids besides me just like little sisters❤ So this is my Birthday cake & Happy birthday to me!!! A lil poem i just came up with: "Even when everything is dark Nothing seems to change. ~Smile~ Even when everything seems to be annoying you the most & nothing seems to be going the way you wanted it. ~Smile~ Even when a lot of people soround you but the one you wanted is ignoring you ~Smile~ Even when there nothing in you pocket you need a lot of money you feel hungry and it seems like God have left you... ~Smile~ & trust Him no matter what because He hasnt left you. You just dont feel ...

Gods word 4 2day!

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Three Words

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Installing LOVE

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