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Showing posts from February, 2012

Gods word 4 2day!

*took from devoltionals* "YESSIR, DRILL SERGEANT, SIR!" Have you ever seen the members of an army platoon going through their drills? At each command from their drill sergeant, the group moves as if they are one. "Right face!" Everyone turns. "Forward march!" Everyone marches. "Company, halt!" No one moves-not a muscle. After months of hard work, these men and women know that when their drill sergeant gives a command, they'd better respond-and quickly. Not only that, but many of them discover that their commitment to obedience pays off: They become stronger, faster, more agile, and more effective. God has given commands to us, too. He doesn't shout in our ears like a drill sergeant. He doesn't make us run ten miles with forty-pound backpacks. He doesn't make us drop to the ground and do twenty push-ups if we make a mistake. But he has given commands for us to follow day after day. So, what kind of soldier are y...